Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

At Filcan Homecare, we understand this is a very concerning time for families regarding health and safety of their loved ones in need of care. Safety will always be our number one priority at FILCAN.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs ) of FILCAN during the pandemic:
Q: Is it still safe for my loved one to receive FILCAN Home Services and Care?
A: Yes. We can provide support as PSWs are classed as essential front line workers during the lockdown.
FILCAN HOMECARE closely follows Ontario Public Health Guideline requirements. This is for the safety of both our Clients and our CareGivers have received detailed training on coronavirus infection prevention and control.
We will continually update our policies and procedures to remain in line with any changes the Government of Ontario makes regarding the public’s health to ensure ongoing safety for our clients and CareGivers.
Q: If my loved one is self-isolating/shielding, can they receive care from FILCAN?
A: Yes they can. By following Ontario’s guidelines we can continue delivering care safely to those who require FILCAN’s services.
Q: What services can you support my loved one with at this time?
A: For FILCAN it is very much business as usual. We will continue to provide the same quality of care services. We at FILCAN know how important it is for our Clients and their families to feel connected with each other during this difficult time. For instance, 0ur CareGivers can assist Clients to use video technology such as Zoom or FaceTime so they can speak to their relatives ‘face-to-face’.
Q: Is FILCAN willing to take on new clients at this time?
A: Yes, FILCAN continues to undertake care assessments for potential new clients. Our care packages are highly-personalized and tailored to meet individual needs. We pride ourselves on being able to respond to urgent care needs with speed but without compromising on standards. We have measures in place to support families with completing a new care assessment and are on hand every step of the way.
Q: How are you keeping Clients occupied and stimulated during this time?
A: FILCAN HOMECARE is here support Clients. When and where it is safe to do so, our clients are getting out for some much-needed fresh air or light exercise. FILCAN HOMECARE does not underestimate the increasing problem of social isolation. Social interaction and exercise are key to an individual person’s mental health and wellbeing. This has to be balanced with safety and following the rules of the province.
Again, FILCAN’s top priority has been and will always be, the safety of our Clients and CareGivers
If you would like more information on how FILCAN is supporting Clients during this challenging time and/or you would like to investigate how FILCAN can support you or a family member, please call 647-835-6534 or email us
We can support you to stay safe, FilCan Home Care.